Carson’s first Halloween

Happy Halloween 2003! Carson enjoyed his first Halloween as a magicpumpkin. Mary dressed up as a purplely witch, and I as a warlock. Well,I was more like Merlin, and we looked good!

At the ward Halloween Party

Merlin and the pumpkin

Trick or Treating at HP

Alan’s 2nd business trip – to Puerto Rico

Myself and my manager from HP headed out to Puerto Rico this past week. We enjoyed heading out with the local engineers for lunch and dinner everyday to cool places. We even had the opportunity to hear Carly Fiorina speak to the local engineers. While my manager went to various meetings, I was able to work onsome of our test systems. We accomplished a lot during this trip, solving many issues.We even squeezed in some time for some snorkling early every morning along the coral reefs near our condos on the beech.

Alan’s 1st business trip – to Puerto Rico

Myself and one other co-worker from HP headed out to Puerto Rico to fix somethingthat went wrong with a test platform we designed in Fort Collins at HP. We put in three 16 hour days. It was definitely more work than fun. We enjoyed headingout with the local engineers for lunch everyday to cool places. It is a beautifulisland. We stayed at a resort on the beach that is now making Mary want tocome along next time! Here are a few photos I took when we weren’t slaving away.