
Welcome to the official site of the Alan & Mary Pippin family. We’ve thrown this page together to allow friends and family from all across the world to click in for some quick updates on our lives. We hope you enjoy your stay!

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We are a family of 8 living in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Thank you for visiting our homepage! I threw this site together on my Linux server for the sole purpose of keeping our friends and family up to date on the latest news, pictures, and videos of our latest activities. I hope you enjoy your stay! And now, a little bit more about us:

Alan Pippin
I was born and raised in Utah Valley. Our family moved to Oregon when I turned sixteen, and I left home after graduating from high school in 1994 to attend college at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. After my freshmen year, I left school to serve a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was called to serve in the New York New York South Mission from 1995-1997. I returned home and finished my college education at BYU and graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics in April of 2001 and my Masters degree in Computer Engineering from Colorado State University in 2006. I married my sweetheart and best friend, Mary Sanders, on May 5th, 2001. I began work at Hewlett Packard in June 2001 here in Fort Collins, CO which is now Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Mary Pippin
Hi all! Thank you for visiting our website! Alan has done amazing job, don’t you think? I was born and raised in Loveland, CO (not too far from where we are now!). I’m second to youngest of five children. My oldest brother Nathan lives in Castle Rock, CO. My two older sisters, Cathy and Debbie, and their families. Cathy lives in Loveland and Debbie lives in Branson . And my younger brother Mark is currently working as an audiologist in Hawaii. My parents Si and Diane Sanders are still living in Loveland and feel very blessed to have all of their children near.  I graduated from Loveland High School in 1997 and headed off to Brigham Young University. There I studied Electrical Engineering—with many boys and few other girls. I’ve always loved mathematics and science. The second semester of my junior year Alan Pippin was the TA for my computer architecture class. All semester I admired the way he cared, taught, and interacted with people. At the end of the semester he started to flirt, I flirted back… We’ve been dating ever since! December 31, 2000 he proposed and May 5, 2001 we married. He’s my best friend, my all. I started work at the Loveland Agilent Technologies in June 2001, but decided to start a family with Alan a few years later. I love crafting, scrapbooking, traveling, music, and married life with Alan.

Personal Testimony of Jesus Christ and HIS Restored Gospel

I’d like to take this moment and share with you my testimony of my Savior, Lord, and Master, even Jesus Christ. I am a christian, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I was baptized when I was eight years old and received the gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands soon thereafter by authorized servants of God holding the priesthood of God. Since then, the Spirit has been a constant companion each day of my life. It has whispered direction in my ears, peace to my heart, knowledge to my mind, warmth to my touch, and vision to my eyes. My relationship with Christ has grown and continues to grow through each day that passes. HE is my strength, my beacon, my salvation, my all. Through His sacrifice I know that I can and will return to live eternally with Him someday.

I know that my redeemer lives! I cannot deny it. I cannot keep it hid. My God has been my support, the “rock of my salvation.” (2 Nephi 4:30) My Lord and Savior was “wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, I am healed.” (Mosiah 14:5) “He is the light and life of the world; yeas, a light that is endless that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless that there can be no more death.” (Mosiah 16:9) He lives who once was dead, and He is alive forever more. For it was death that died on the cross on Calvary, not Christ. As a missionary for Him I have found that I don’t have to prove anything. I have but to declare, and HIS spirit is the proof. I know that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) From Him comes “living water” (John 4:10-15) which quenches the pain and lonely-filled droughts of life. Tears wet my pillow by night as I realize what Christ has done and continues to do for me. I know Him, more so than ever before in my life. My relationship with divinity is active, personal, and sacred. As a tool in His hands, I have been shaped and molded to fulfill the potential that is yet unworked within me. As a servant of Christ I see how I have grown. My prayers reach the heavens far more fervently, and more often than ever before. I have feasted on the word of God with a ravishing hunger and have been filled. I continue to grow, to progress, to hunger and to feast upon His words daily. Yet I continue to fall. I make many mistakes as the days pass on. But as I turn to Christ, to His atonement, I am healed and He carries the burdens I cannot carry alone. I find peace and happiness. Together we are one. I love Him.

It’s through this atonement of Christ that my family will be united eternally, wrapped in the arms of His love, abiding forever in kingdoms of glory. I know the heavens stand open today, that visions and revelations are given to Prophets of God to lead and guide us in these troubling times. HE answered the prayer of a farmboy in upstate New York in 1820. He taught, ministered, and restored His church to the earth again through that boy, Joseph Smith. The power and authority to act in the name of God was restored to Joseph Smith through the laying on of hands by angelic ministers. He restored the church of Jesus Christ through His appointed prophet, having the same form and authority as the Church of Christ in ancient times. I know it is His church restored to earth again in these latter days. It was through that prophet, even Joseph Smith, that another testament of Jesus Christ was translated from ancient records, becoming an additional witness to the Bible in testifying of the divinity of Christ. That book, the Book of Mormon, is true. I’ve read it, studied it, and felt it. I’ve prayed to know of its truthfulness and my prayers have been answered. It stands as another witness of Christ in my life. I quoted passages above that show this plainly. The truth held within its pages has brought me closer to God and to Christ. The Book of Mormon is the word which truly and plainly witnesses of the Word. (John 1:14) Joseph was the prophet that God himself called as His instrument. These things I know not of myself, but by the very Spirit of God, and I cannot deny them. May God go forward with you as He has gone forward with me to fill you with hope, peace, light, and salvation. Christ is my all. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I am everything He wants me to be and to become. I say these things in His name, Amen.